This is Scriptlets. It is a database of Script Calls in a similar vain of how Common Events work. it was created to be able to shrink down and organize code that
sometimes gets out of hand or too long. some of its uses include shortening down damage formulas and other plugins note-tags, and having code run via
Auto-run or a Parallel Process.
- The ability to create and store an infinite number of Scriptlets inside the plugin parameters
- The ability to run large amounts of code in small amounts of characters.
- The ability to have code run when the game boots up.
- The ability to run code as a parallel process or auto-run loop.
How to Use
most of the plugin is set up in the parameters. simply create a Scriptlet, add an item to the list and fill out the parameters. some of the parameters are.
– Name: Mainly for organization, not required to be filled in.
- – Script: The Meat and Potatoes of the script. put js in here and watch it run(or crash)
- – Type: The type of Scriptlet it will be, there is currently 4 types of Scriptlets.
*Note: all Scriptlets can also be run using a Script Call or Plugin Command,
regardless of what type of Scriptlet it is.- Normal: A normal Scriptlet. Will not run unless specifically called for.
- Initialize: This Scriptlet will run at the start of the game(The Creation of the Boot Scene)
- Parallel: This Scriptlet will run once a frame while in map or in battle.
- Autorun: Similar to the Parallel but will lock down the game instead of working in the background *Deprecated V2.0.0
*new* - Close – this will run when the game window is closed, currently only works for Desktop Versions of RPG Maker *Deprecated V2.0.0
- Condition: this is a bit of js that runs to check whether or not this Scriptlet will run.
To run a Scriptlet. you can choose one of two ways. one way is to do a Script Call. to do this simply run this in a script box or anywhere else that accepts Js.
the other way to run Scriptlets is via a plugin Command. to do so just type this into a plugin command.
you can now use Escape Codes in text boxes and such! to use it now use
Action Sequences are now supported. type the following as an action sequence to call the scriptlet
Notetag scriptlets is the newest addition! in an attempt to make scriptlets less plugin dependant, you can now have scriptlets activate on certain events. here is a list of them here
Q: How do I call arguments?
A: simply use this
just make sure that x is equal to the argument number. remember, id is also an argument
Credit and Thanks
- Pivoo
- SumRndmDude & LTN Games for helping me solve a few bugs!
- Kino and Waynee95 for helping with Closing Scriptlets Types (no longer a feature)
- Thanks To Olivia for helping with The 2.0.1 Patch!
- V2.0.1
- fixed bug with Level Up Scriptlet happening when actor changes class.
- V2.0.0
- Deprecated Closing and Auto-run Scriptlets
- Rewrote code to work for Pivoo-Utility V2.0
- Added Action Sequence Support for Scriptlets
- Added Arguments for Escape character Scriptlets
- Added error reporting for Escape Characters
- Added a new Scriptlet type, notetag Scriptlets
- Added 37 note-tag Scriptlets
- V1.1.2
- cleaned up a-lot of code
- changed Condition from an evaluation to an anonymous function
- changed how Type Scriptlets are handled to help reduce lag with alot of scriptlets loaded
- V1.1.1
- fixed a few bugs with Escape Character Scriptlets
- V1.1.0
- added Close Type Scriptlets
- added Escape Character Support
- added args[x] to replace arguments[0][x]
- shifted the index of Scriptlets up by one, as well as making Scriptlet # 0 return null